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قديم 12-10-2024, 01:35 PM
عضو مشارك
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2024
المشاركات: 11,634
افتراضي Synopsys Virtual Prototyping 2024.09 linux

Email to kelikeli006#hotmail.com change # into @ , Ctrl+F to search
ShotCut 23.05.14 + Portable
Shotgun RV V2022.3.1
SHOTPlus 6.10.5
Show referenced models of an assembly v3.0 for Inventor 2020
Shp2kml v2.0
Si8000 2009_v10.01
Sibelius 2019
SideFX Houdini FX v20.0.547
Sidelinesoft NL5 Circuit Simulator 2.2.2
Sidewinder Conveyor Design Software 7.2.2
SIDRA Intersection
Siemenes PLM Teamcenter 12.1 v2018
Siemens (Infolytica) Simcenter MAGNET Suite 2021.1 Win64
Siemens Desigo XWorks Plus 4.10.090
Siemens DIGSI v4.90
SIEMENS Drive ES Basic Maintenancev5.6 SP1
Siemens FBM Starter Kit v2.21 for Siemens NX- 1847 Series
Siemens FEMAP 2020.1 with NX Nastran
Siemens FiberSIM 17.2.0
Siemens HEEDS MDO 2022.1.0
Siemens I-deas ASC DWG importer for NX 11.0 Win64
Siemens Imageware 13
Siemens LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim R14.1 Windows
Siemens LMS Samcef Field 17.0 x64
Siemens LMS Samtech Samcef Field v16.1 Win64
Siemens LMS TecWare 3.11 Win/Linux x86
Siemens LMS Virtual.Lab 13.10 x64
Siemens LOGO!SoftComfort 8.1.1 Win32_64
Siemens Mastertrim.15.2.2
Siemens Mentor Graphics Simcenter FloTHERM XT 2019.3 Win64
Siemens Mentor Tessent 2023.1
Siemens NX 2023 Build 2801 (NX 2007 Series) Win64
Siemens PADS Standard Plus VX.2.14
Siemens Plant Simulation 9.0 WIN64
Siemens PLM FEMAP 10.2.0 with NX Nastran
Siemens PLM JT Translator for CatiaV5 v5
Siemens PLM TeamCenter 12.1 Win64
Siemens ProTool 6.0.SP2
Siemens PSS/E 36.1 x64
Siemens Simatic HMI Pro Tool v6.0 SP3
Siemens Simatic PCS7 9.1 SP2
Siemens Simatic PDM 6.0 SP3
Siemens SIMATIC Protool v6.0 + SP2
Siemens Simatic S7-PLCSIM V17
Siemens Simatic TIA Portal V19 Update 1 (2024.03) x64
Siemens Simatic WinCC Runtime Professional V17
Siemens SIMATIC WinCC v8.0 Update 3 (2023-9) x64
Siemens Simcenter (ex. Mentor Graphics) Flomaster 2023.Win64
Siemens Simcenter 3D Low Frequency EM 2020.1
Siemens Simcenter Amesim 2404 x64
Siemens Simcenter FEMAP 2406.0
Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2312.0.0 v6273
Siemens Simcenter Flomaster 2023
Siemens Simcenter FloTHERM XT 2404.0 x64
Siemens Simcenter FloTHERM/ FloTHERM PCB 2021
Siemens Simcenter FloVENT 2021.1.0 x64
Siemens Simcenter HEEDS MDO 2404.0 + VCollab 21.1 x64
Siemens Simcenter MAGNET Suite 2021.1 x64
Siemens Simcenter MotorSolve 2021.1.0.95
Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1-1899 Windows
Siemens Simcenter PreSCAN 2206 x64
Siemens Simcenter SPEED 2020.2.1
Siemens Simcenter Star CCM.2210.17.06.007
Siemens Simcenter STAR-CD 2019.1.2 (4.32.000)
Siemens Simcenter Testlab.2021.2.0
Siemens SINAMICS Startdrive V17
SIEMENS SINUMERIK 840D TOOLBOX sw4 5 (incl. AccessMyMachine-p2p) SW 4.6 HF1 Win32_64
SIEMENS Sinumerik SinuCom v7.7 Win32_64
Siemens Sinutrain 6.3 Edition 3 CNC
Siemens SoftNET 6.2
Siemens Solid Edge 2024.MP0005
Siemens Solid Edge 2D Nesting 2024.2310
Siemens Solid Edge CAM Pro 2019 Multilang Win64
Siemens Solid Edge Electrical Design 2021
Siemens Solid Edge Electrode Design 2021
Siemens Solid Edge Mold Tooling 2023
Siemens Solid Edge ST6-ST9
Siemens Solid Edge ST7 MP6 Update only Win32
Siemens Solid Edge Tech Publications 2024.2310
Siemens SolidEdge ST10
Siemens Star CCM+ 2402.0001
SIEMENS Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) 2018.0 x64
Siemens STEP 7 MicroWIN SP9 + SIMATIC S7-200
Siemens Syncrofit v16.4.3
Siemens Tecnomatix 9.0
Siemens Tecnomatix CAD Translators 7.0.1
Siemens Tecnomatix Jack v8.2 Win64
Siemens Tecnomatix Machine Configurator 1.0.0
Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 2302.0003X64
Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate 2402
Siemens Tecnomatix RealNC 8.7.0
Siemens TIA Portal V19 Update 1
SIEMENS UGS Jt Catiav5 Translator 5.0

Email to kelikeli006#hotmail.com change # into @ , Ctrl+F to search
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